If you have ever learned a new language, you know that it's very hard to think of the word you want to say in the new language. Or sometimes you can say part of a sentence in one language, but one word still comes out in the other! Vocabulary acquisition is a huge factor in being able to understand and use another language. That's why I have created these vocabulary resources for Korean speakers learning, or English speakers learning Korean.
How to use:
1. Download the Korean-English bilingual set you desire.
2. Handout or go through together the words and their meanings for study.
3. Give students the practice sheet to write for homework or in class.

4. Administer the quiz (answer key included!)

5. Check
Additional homework can be given, such as students must write a story using at least 10 of the vocabulary words, etc.
I used to give ESL students in grade 4 a quiz about once per week to really increase their vocabulary quickly.
It could also be used as independent work as the practice and answer keys are all provided.
Follow ESly Used Activities for more resources!